Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Question marks are now being put on the rally LTG Goldrock reviews...

What would you do if you were up 23% plus for the year and you were a major hedge fund trader on Wall Street and 23% plus was the best return for your firm since 1997? In fact it was the best return since you started work on Wall Street over 10 years ago and your end of year bonus was looking very healthy indeed. You'd give careful consideration to selling part of your positions to lock in some profit, particularly when there is so much chatter amongst traders on just when the US Fed will taper and you know the taper will destroy any further rally higher in stocks. Play it safe I hear you say, sell down some money and lock it away. That's exactly what many traders will be thinking and to sell a little makes perfect sense. But I doubt they will.

Greed is what drives Wall Street and this coming Friday many traders will be happy to see a poor unemployment number in the US because it means their profitable positions in the stock market will simply continue to rise in value whilst the country continues to stubble along.

Whilst millions of Americans still remain out of work or search for work, and the official unemployment rate still remains over 7% Wall Street is cashing in with the best year since 1997. Will they sell down some positions and give us a correction on the stock market? Not while they are convinced the US Fed is going to continue to inject the free cash that's been 100% responsible for pushing up stock values to record highs. If stocks continue on this artificial trend higher, supported only by the US Fed's free money the stock markets around the world including Australia run the risk of a very big correction at some point in 2014.

This snippet of a LTG GoldRock Review comes from the GoldRock Insider Report on Tuesday 5th of November, 2013

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