Thursday, January 29, 2015

US Fed remains on track to lift US interest rates.

The US Fed dropped its pledge to keep interest rates on hold for a considerable time when it released its monthly statement on Wednesday. Fed Chair Janet Yellen said the US Fed would remain patient on when it raised interest rates but acknowledged that the US economy was expanding at a solid pace and Labour market conditions have improved further, with strong job gains and a lower unemployment rate. The US Fed’s inflation target is 2% and whilst it acknowledged that inflation would remain low for some time before moving higher, lower oil prices were having a positive affect on the economy.

In a first since June last year Bloomberg reports that the statement today was unanimously backed by all committee members. The US Dollar has naturally rallied on the news as upward pressure continues to build, as the Fed gets closer to its first interest rate hike since the GFC. It was only a number of years ago the US economy was a basket case. 

Get the latest Forex News from the LTG GoldRock Team in the Daily GoldRock Insider Report.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The US markets are back to work today.

The USA celebrated Martin Luther King Jnr Day on Monday with financial markets closed in recognition of the civil rights activists birthday. The focus will be on the continued release of company earnings and if US companies can meet or exceed what the market expects I would anticipate US stocks and the US dollar to continue to appreciate. 

So keep an eye on the headlines surrounding why US stocks are rising and falling and this will give you a guide as to what the company earnings are. Good bad or indifferent.

LTG GoldRock Director, Andrew Barnett provides a daily report to LTG GoldRock clients each day discussing what is happening in the markets and how he is looking to profit from this Fundamental and Technical data.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Goldman Sachs says the Euro will reach parity with USD by 2016.

Goldman Sachs is predicting a 15% decline in the Euro and says it will likely reach parity with the US Dollar by sometime in 2016. I encourage you to click on this link when you have a moment and read this story.

Extract from the LTG GoldRock Insider Report Monday 12th January 2015

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

How did your 2014 results compare to the top end of town?

Every year we can compare our trading results to the biggest and brightest financial stars on Wall street. I am personally big on benchmarking success as it keeps a lid on things and allows me to stay relatively conservative. So what was the highest return on investment from the big Hedge Funds in 2014? Click on the link below and you can find out. Keep your trading ambitions real.
 How did LTG GoldRock Compare? Take a look at our current financial year trading results