To trade successfully you need to learn to suppress natural human behaviour and do the exact opposite to what feels natural on many occasions. It takes time to retrain your brain to do something that seems irrational and the opposite of natural but it can be done. Let me share with you how professional traders make money. It is sentiment that first usually drives the price. For new traders they have no understanding of how to trade sentiment because for amateur traders it’s something they don’t understand, it’s non existent and what happens is they always tend pull the trigger too early or too late. They listen to people on the TV, and in the newspaper and their information flow is too slow and often just wrong.
Amateur traders don’t make money as a general rule when they try to do it on their own because they get trapped believing the nonsense the so called experts are telling them. You have no idea how much self interest is in TV and newspaper commentary by brokers and advisors who are wanting you to fail for their personal gain. Personally with me you are always going to get black and white and I am never going to tell you what I think you might like to hear. I am going to simply tell you what I think you need to know. And I’ll be brutally honest with you right now, I’m not going to tell you everyone can do this and everyone will make lots of money because that’s nonsense. I’ll tell you right now you can do it, you can make your own fortune in this market provided you are prepared to listen and learn and do the right things when it come to money management.
95% of people who use technical analysis only (the charts) to try and make money in any financial market gives money up because technical analysis on its own is completely flawed in my view. People who trade technical analysis are very one dimensional and the market is not one dimensional, it is multi dimensional. It’s often illogical, and sometimes a bit crazy but that’s why those of us all that understand it love it so much because its never boring and the vast majority of the market is very incredibly predictable and when they learn some technical system on the charts they expect the same thing to happen again and again, every time their technical system shows up. The market isn’t technical, it’s fundamental and the reason why that trend line or that moving average was created or broken on your chart was because of something fundamental.
Do we use technical charts? Yes, they are important to us but only to tell us when we might be about to shoot too soon or perhaps too late. The fundamentals will tell us what to buy and in what direction to invest and the technical’s will tell us at what price is optimum to finally pull the trigger and enter.
Knowing how to interpret the fundamentals of the market, and learning to gauge market sentiment is where you will make bigger returns on our money. And the funny thing is most of the fundamental information flow you can glean from the market is free and available each day. But it’s having the experience and past success of knowing how to interpret that information that you likely need assistance with. Everything we share with you each day you could find somewhere on the internet in the next 24 hours, but its useless to you unless you know how to interpret that information or better still how banks and wealthy traders will interpret that information.
The point is how do you know when the sentiment is just right to pull the trigger, how do you know when its too late, how do you know when to get out? That’s the value part that makes your membership to www.LTGGoldRock.com so valuable. The knowledge and system we have of understanding how to interpret the information flow and being able to teach you how to learn it for yourself I am confident can be worth a huge amount to you in time. But it's ultimately up to you how you use it.